All communication modules have been waterproofed and placed under the deck while meeting these requirements:
- The GPS and antennas must be far away from the sailwing as carbon fiber partially blocks the signal.
- The communication modules must be at least 30 cm from each other in order to prevent interference.
- The compass must be far away from any magnets, motors and high currents.
The solar panels are glued with silicone and two of them are secured with screws.
The original connector on the solar panel was not IP68 waterproof. I removed the connector, soldered a new cable to the pads, glued a laser-cut acrylic piece with silicone and potted the wire connections with epoxy.
The first three modules in the picture are waterproofed with a heatshrink and silicone. The compass is potted in a heat-conductive epoxy.
The modules are firmly attached to the deck with a fiberglass tape. I suppose they won’t need to be replaced for the lifetime of the boat. The cables are also secured.
All holes for screws and cables are potted with epoxy. This is the most reliable sealing method, much better than silicone.
The compass is far enough from any magnetic noise.